2022 Safety Focus - Houma Recap and Prepping for the Permian

2022 Safety Focus - Houma Recap and Prepping for the Permian

By: Casey Cazeaux |
Multimedia Coordinator & Videographer

Each year Danos employees and customers come together for a day to focus on safety. This week, after a three-year break due to the pandemic, Danos hosted its annual Houma Safety Focus event at the Houma Terrebonne Civic Center. Approximately 300 employees, customers and vendors were in attendance. The day was filled with fun, games, current hot topics, good food and fabulous door prizes. Thank you to everyone who contributed and attended.

Danos is hosting a Permian Safety Focus event in September 8 in Andrews, Texas. Click here to add it to your calendars, and here to RSVP today. We hope you can join us!

Owner Paul Danos welcomed everyone to Safety Focus 2022.


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