Dale Ledet Continues Safe Culture at BP

Dale Ledet Continues Safe Culture at BP

By: Matt Kelso |
Senior Account Manager

During a safety observation conversation at the BP PMF on March 4, 2021, Danos Major Equipment Operator Dale Ledet and BP’s Mickel Landry shared details regarding a 40-foot mud mat load onto a flatbed that morning. Mickel was blown away at how proactive Dale was to ensure the safety of the team and integrity of the equipment during the load.

Dale recognized early that this was not an everyday site to load the mud mat onto the flatbed, so he took precaution by bringing an extra spotter on site before loading in order to have a 360-degree layer of site. Dale also placed cone markers as a safety barrier to ensure that the truck driver stayed a safe distance away while the lift proceeded.

Dale’s exemplary actions are a credit to years of hard work, passion and dedication that BP and Danos have forged together in developing a world class safety culture. Our Danos team has now accrued over 1.2 million man-hours and 3,959 days without a recordable incident.

Kip Campbell, BP’s Gulf of Mexico materials management inbound logistics and cross dock team lead, stated, “This is a great example of how culture, confidence to speak up and doing the right thing pays dividends! To be honest with you, I would not expect anything less in this space because of the passion our team continually demonstrates to be best in class. This team continues to prove they have the desire to not let complacency creep into our day-to-day business. Keep it going TEAM!”

Congratulations to Dale and our team at the BP PMF/XDOC facility! We are very proud of you all!


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