ENVEN Job Well Done

ENVEN Job Well Done

By: Bounty Fontenot |
Sales and Business Development Representative

ENVEN Offshore Installation Manager Kirk Ougel sent a message noting a job well done to Danos Valve Technician Dean Sauvage and Helper Tyler Bates. 

“I wanted to take a few moments, before I depart on crew change today, to extend thanks to Danos for the quick response in supplying ENVEN Brutus with two technicians last week. Upon arrival, it was quite pleasing to see your two technicians (Dean Sauvage and Tyler Bates) proceed with our annual PSV inspection with unwavering commitment and dedication."  

Upon completion of the PSVs, they rolled over to working with the marine group, rebuilding 14-ballast valve actuators. Much of the same workmanship qualities these men exhibited were easily observed and mentioned as well. Their professionalism, work ethic and inherent need to see the job through – and it get done correctly—was most refreshing. These qualities are not easily seen these days.  

 I commend your team for sending us these two quality personnel, as Brutus certainly benefited from their presence. “ 

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