Danos Celebrates 75 Years

Last week at Danos HQ, Danos hosted a shrimp boil in honor of being in business 75 years. The event was the 6th stop on our Anniversary Roadshow. To kick things off, third-generation Owner Paul Danos talked about how the oak tree is a symbol of transformational growth. The oak tree starts as a tiny acorn planted in the earth’s soil, and then over the course of many years, it turns into a mighty oak. In honor of the company’s milestone, a new oak tree was planted at HQ. This tree represents Danos’ journey throughout the years.
Owner Hank Danos shared the history of Danos and how it started.
“75 years ago, Allen Danos Sr. and Syriaque Curole bought a second-hand boat.” Hank then explained the recipe for a successful company, which he boiled down to four key ingredients: a passion and desire to succeed, customers who want to do business, a dedicated all-star team and a higher purpose.
Hank blessed the food, and everyone enjoyed the delicious boiled shrimp.
Employees gather to celebrate Danos' 75 year anniversary at HQ.
Earlier 75th Roadshow Celebrations
2021 Field Employee of the Year Winner Terry Schexnider is greeted with a round of applause from his peers at the Broussard celebration.
Owner Mark Danos gives remarks at the Larose Boucherie.
Owner Eric Danos gives a toast at the Houston 75th celebration.
Employees enjoy their meal at the Amelia crawfish boil.
Employees enjoy a delicious barbeque at Danos' Eagleford Safety Focus Celebration.