Sparkless Grinder Training

Sparkless Grinder Training

By: Mike Miller |
Project Manager

The system will be used on an upcoming project to replace scrubbers for the main gas compressors that are welded down on the FPSO. The system was chosen to minimize the need for the weld removal without using hot work, which is the traditional method. The grinder uses a special blade made of carbide and a spray of water to cool the shavings and cut. With this system there are no flying particles or loud noises that you would experience with traditional grinder work. The system allows an asset to remain online instead of having to shut in or construct a pressurized welding enclosure to perform hot work.

The crew learned the safe use of the tool and participated in hands-on training to be able to perform the work confidently. This tool will create more work for the Danos construction crew that would normally required a costly shut in for the asset while providing enhanced safety performance.

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