Stones Crew INC Free

Congratulations to the Danos production crew on the Shell Stones asset! They recently completed a BSEE inspection in which 458 components were tested. The crew successfully completed this year’s BSEE inspection with Zero INCs.
This result was due to the hard work of everyone on board. We still have room for improvement, but considering where we began, we are improving every day. Thanks to all involved. The Danos team members that contributed to this successful inspection are:
Jonathan Lane Burch
David Cahanin
Benjamin Deshotels
Steve English
Kendall Jones
Curtis Keys
Blake Laborde
Joshua LaCour
John Larkowski
Chad LeMaire
Thomas Vidrine
Oil and Gas 101 - Issues of Noncompliance, also known as INCs, are violations of federal regulations that are observed by a BSEE inspector and issued to an operator. Each INC has a specific resulting action and requires a corrective action by the operator receiving the INC.