Toolbox Topic: Risk Normalization

Toolbox Topic: Risk Normalization

By: Nick LeBlanc |
HSE Specialist for the Energy Systems Group

Every day, we must take caution to make sure we do not normalize risks, both at work and at home. 

What is risk normalization? It is a state of mind or situation in which:

  • We accept risky/dangerous practices or conditions over time.
  • We make a conscious decision to accept risks that were not originally acceptable.
  • We ignore an unsafe condition because we see it every day.
  • Workplace safeguards are continuously bypassed without authorization.

What causes risk normalization?

  • Complacency.
  • The absence of incidents from unsafe conditions and/or behaviors.
  • A conscious decision by an employee to ignore safe work practices.
  • Taking shortcuts to meet deadlines or gain efficiencies.

What are the signs?

  • The regular occurrence of incidents related to poor behaviors.
  • Improper use and care of tools and equipment.
  • Lack understanding or knowledge of basic safe work practices and procedures.
  • Workers not being able to bring up unsafe behaviors and conditions due to fear of retaliation.

How can we prevent risk normalization?

  • Promote the Danos value of safety.
  • Respectfully intervene when unsafe behaviors are observed.
  • Ensure safe work practices and policies are adhered to.
  • Report all unsafe conditions. If you see it, you own it.
  • Always perform proper maintenance and inspections on equipment.


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